The Technology Transfer Blog

Monday, June 26, 2006

Government to prioritise applied research


'Lord Sainsbury, the science and innovation minister, has outlined the need for government to spend more on applied research to meet the needs of business.....'

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The effect of shareholders on innovative, human capital intensive firms


Nature: article and response

'Technology-transfer offices are learning from their mistakes. So should the academics that they serve. Academic researchers and the technology-transfer offices at their universities have had a prickly relationship since the latter first won a foothold on campuses two decades ago....'

In response:

It IS all about the money!... with some criticism....

The Cambridge approach: here

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Link dump

Essential reading for jelly-nailers.

The Lambert Agreements, and the review too

The Patent Office on managing IP

The Oxford spin-out case studies

Don't spin it out, licence it!

The Cambridge Debate, including a good list of papers on university patenting policy

An excellent study on tech transfer

Stumbling & Mumbling on why shareholders, big management and innovation don't mix

TRIZ - the Soviet method of teaching invention - more on it here

Is it possible to make money from raw IP?